Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Over Two Years Later

It has been over two years since I've last posted. Orin is now about to be 9 years old; Ben is about to be 5. I have had little Jacob now, who is trying to be potty trained. :)
Thomas left and never came back, basically. It took me months to let him go completely, but right after Jacob was born, I had had enough.
In the months after that, I came back in contact with a good friend and we have been inseparable ever since. We got married this past November and we are doing well.
It's been a terrible struggle, with more than my fair share of obstacles, but with Aaron by my side the entire way, I have gotten to a brighter life.
My children are happy.
Orin is A/B Honor Roll in 3rd grade.
Ben is one of the smartest in his Pre-k class and he is the best conversationalist. He still has trouble with certain sounds, but professionals assure me he is right on target.
Even little Jakey can pop in a DVD and play it without help and tell the waitress what he wants to eat.
I will try to post more now that I have access again.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Ok, I am 33 weeks. I am living alone with my 6 year old boy and my 2 year old boy. I have NOTHING for this baby except a gift box of an outfit that just happened to be on sale for $1.50. I've been having complications {been in twice for contractions} so I'm not supposed to do a lot. My house is in complete disarray {dishes and laundry every where and toys all over etc.} and things need to be rearranged for baby furniture and supplies.... assuming I miraculously end up with some.... I have a registry at walmart.com, but no bites....

I have no help at all. All these things need to get done and i can't depend on ANYONE to help me move things or what have you. I am apparently expected to accomplish all this on my own somehow. Some of these things I couldn't even move when I wasn't pregnant... but whatever.

So don't be surprised if I send out an announcement sometime soon.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A New Chat Room

Check out this new Chat Room specifically for Preggos, TTC, and Mamas.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ben's Improving...

At least in the Speech Department. {lol}
  • kool-aide
  • big ball
  • hep pees {help please}
  • mama cook
  • E-yo {Orin}
  • bac-bac {back-pack}
  • cookie
And he adds more every day! The speech therapy is hit or miss... It depends on his moos or how he feels that day. We've been dealing with a flare up of asthma and croup, so he's not been feeling quite like Ben.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


With Thomas working full-time and going to class at night, it's up to me to get the preparations taken care of - as well as the rest of the house work. Then of course there's the full-time job of caring for accident-prone Ben.
So far, I have officially bought the first baby item. It's a gift-set of Spider-Man clothes: a t-shirt, a diaper cover, a beanie cap, and a pair of booties. It's adorable. We've tentatively picked out the furniture. We've designated the "baby room". Names have been discussed. We've decided to keep our name choices to ourselves for now.
I still need to register at the hospital and make a baby registry somewhere. Thomas's mother has requested to to care of the baby shower, so if you are interested in attending, let me know.
The 2 sets of furniture we are looking at both incorporate the light blue and brown colors, so that's pretty much what we are going for. So for those of you who were thinking of gift ideas, there's a starting point. We are going to ask the Dr. if she has a bottle type preference. If not, then it will be one of two types. Of course, my goal is to breastfeed, but we are gonna need bottles anyway.
I think one of my most difficult decisions to make will be the designation of the God-Mother. We agreed that Thomas will name the God-Father, and I get to choose the God-Mother.

For other news, I have taken the gestational diabetes test, but have not gotten the results back. I have started seeing the Dr. every 2 weeks now rather than every 3-4 weeks. I have gained a total of about 15-16 lbs. and the baby encompasses my whole abdomen. Thomas finally felt him move. Even Orin has felt the baby move and respond to him. Ben doesn't quite get it yet. When we ask him "Where's the baby?", he still points to his own stomach first. The baby's movements don't phase Ben at all, like he doesn't even feel them.
I get tired very quickly. The Dr. told me I can get a 4 hour shift somewhere, but so far, no one wants to deal with that. And now with Thomas working all these hours, I need to stay home with Ben. Every night, I go to bed with a sore back, only to lay awake most the night anyway.
Speaking of bed, it's time for me to try to get Ben down. Until next time....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

More of Ben's Words

  • pees {please}
  • k {ok}
  • pow pow {time out}
  • a,e,i,o, - then he points at YOU

he has tried some phrases:

  • pees chg bana {his version of 'please change the channel'}
  • I done
  • pees ah {'please let me have a bite' or 'please give me something to eat'}

Random Update

I haven't blogged in a bit, so I figured I'd give an update.
Orin is great, of course. He's been acting up, but he's trying to be good and helpful.
Ben is, well, Ben. He tries so hard to communicate. We officially start speech therapy next week.
Now, the baby is a'movin' and a'shakin'! At 5 months, I already look like I have a basketball in my belly {well half in my belly, half in my butt}. He seems to get bigger every day.
Still no name picked out, but we have plenty of time. I haven't gotten any family feedback whatsoever, so I'm thinking they {the extended family: grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.} aren't interested. I have sent update emails to them, and receive no response. Oh, well. It depresses me, but I can't let it get to me. I have my boys, Thomas, and my brother. In addition, a have my small handful of friends. I guess that's all I need. My mother tries to help, and she does what she can, but she has tons of obstacles to overcome right now, some of which her children {us} have helped to cause inadvertantly. {Mom, if you are reading this, I love you and don't blame you for anything.}
Well, I think I have babbled enough. Peace be with you all.